Columbus Wisconsin

Columbus Wisconsin Info Site!

"Public Enemies"

March 10th, 2008

Columbus is preparing for its major motion picture appearance next week. The movie, "Public Enemies" will begin filming on March 17th, 2008. One of the stars of the movie is Johnny Depp. (John Christopher Depp II (born June 9, 1963) is a three-time Academy Award-nominated, Golden Globe- and Screen Actors Guild Award-winning American actor, best known for his frequent portrayals of offbeat and eccentric characters such as Sweeney Todd in Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street, Jack Sparrow in the Pirates of the Caribbean film series, Willy Wonka in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Ichabod Crane in the film adaptation of Sleepy Hollow.)

The city of Columbus is getting a makeover in preparation for the movie. While the city has many historic buildings, they have to be tweaked just a little bit to get them to look as the director pictures them.

Click here for more pictures of Historic Downtown Columbus Wisconsin.

facadeThere is one large facade that is being built in front of the Law Offices of Strohschein and Green. Looks like it might be a "fence" although it is the fanciest fence I have ever seen.

movie theaterJust a few doors down, there is another facade of what looks like a movie theater ticket office. The streets will be "cobble stoned" with huge rolls of rubber cobblestone when they are needed. The street is going to be closed during the filming. Filming will begin on March 17th for the Public Enemies scene depicting the Greencastle, Ind., bank robbery. Johnny Depp will be portraying John Dillenger and driving the getaway car. Street cleaners were out shoveling and sweeping away any traces of snow. This is a tough job given Wisconsin's record setting snowfall this year.

farmers & merchants bankApparently the director will not be using the Farmers & Merchants Union Bank in the filming but this has to be the most historically unique building in town.

Business has been disrupted for the local stores as the movie crews take down signs and put other things up. They want people to know that they are still open as the filming preparation goes on. Street lights will be removed temporarily for filming and the put back up again. Highway 73 and Highway 16-60 will be closed to through traffic until March 20.

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Columbus Location

The city of Columbus Wisconsin is located in Columbia County and is twenty eight miles Northeast of Madison Wisconsin. It is also thirteen miles Southwest of Beaver Dam Wisconsin and approximately 70 miles northwest of Milwaukee and 30 miles southeast of Portage.

The 2000 census put the city's population at 4,479.

Columbus Wisconsin History:

The city has a statue of Christopher Columbus and a museum devoted to Columbus and the era that he lived in. It features the Chicago 1983 World's Columbian Exposition.

The Christopher Columbus statue is located on Highway 16, 60 and 151 at exit #118.

In 1839 Elbert Dickason came to the West side of the Crawfish River and built a sawmill and home. Another early resident of Columbus and its first lawyer was James T. Lewis. Lewis went on to be the Governor of Wisconsin from 1864 to 1865.

Visitors To Columbus:
Visitors can stay at these local motels or Bed and Breakfast facilities:

Super 8 Motel
219 Industrial Drive
Columbus, WI 53925
Phone: 920-623-8800

Columbus Carriage House Bed & Breakfast
300 South Dickason Blvd
Columbus, WI 53925
Phone: 920 623-4925